The great green bush-cricket is easy to recognize, but hard to see through the grass where it lives, because its color.
Sometimes it is confused with the grasshopper, but which differs, among other things, through the long antennas and the body much shorter than the wings.
( This one is in the nymph stage and it has no developed wings.)
He is a dreaded hunter in the world of small insects, and if he does not find food in the grass, it climbs the trees.
The noise made by these insects sound like a sewing machine, going continuously for long periods.
I do not remember if I posted this photo before, but … I chose it because it is green and it matches this green week on Virily!?
Have you ever heard Great Green Bush-Cricket singing?
What a great capture – you have such patience for these types of pictures!
We have a lot here now… orchestra, concert and woodstock like. They have been here for days now … i think it is their mating time
It is so difficult for me to know this one. However a nice post and work
I knew instantly this was your photo, it is perfect.
I think I have heard these before.
I’ve heard all crickets are pretty fierce predators…
I don’t know if I have ever seen this particular species of cricket. Looks like a magnificent specimen though!