People tend to appreciate some seasons more than others. A given location may have four distinct seasons or it may only have two. It is quite interesting that the favorite seasons can be so different from one person to the next, although there is almost always a reason that the person has a favorite. Even more interesting, the reasons may directly relate to the weather, yet they might only have to do with the weather in an off-hand sort of way.
In this poll, we are asking what your favorite season is. Please explain why it is your favorite season.
What is your favorite season?
Wet season
Dry season
I don’t have a favorite season
Other (please explain)
Nothing can be compared with the long hot summer. The natural state of every living creature.
Well, not quite ‘all’. We have moose here and a moose can’t survive when the air gets too hot, especially if they don’t have lakes that they can submerge themselves in.
Summer for me is a love and hate relationship. The good part is the dry weather. The bad part is that is hurricane season and the humidity is heavy.
I can understand that, at least in some places. Here in Montana, hurricanes aren’t an issue and we seldom get really high humidity. In fact, here in the mountains, we sometimes have the opposite problem; very low humidity. It isn’t uncommon for the humidity to drop to 10-15% for over a week. Our biggest problem is smoke from forest fires. We have them every year but some years are worse than others. Last year was tremendously bad for fires and over 9 million acres of forests ended up burning.
Summer will always be my favorite season but I love spring too.
Is that because you can do more things outside in the spring and summer?
My tip too. long hot summer time.
Summer is my favourite season, especially if the temperature is +25°C!
You like hot weather, huh? Well, I can sure do a lot more when it is warm than when it is cold, with snow on the ground. :))
Couldn’t agree more! Vitamin D helps a lot!
The vitamin D definitely helps, for sure. My wife has osteoporosis and even taking vitamin D supplements, it is hard for her to absorb as much calcium as she should be getting. It will be easier when she can get out and get a little sunshine.
Yeah, and Vitamin D is also found in a fat-soluble form (lard and so on) – it is useful to take in the winter. I wish you and your wife good health!
Spring is the most beautiful season..
I can understand why you’d say that.
I’d say probably Fall. I can’t stand the winter, just too cold. Summer gets too hot though as well!
That sounds a lot like here. lol Two nights ago, it got down to -10 F on our porch and -17 some places in town.
Oh wow, that is REALLY cold!! I don’t think we’ve had many negative temps this winter…ours is mild compared to last winter.
Last year, we didn’t get unusually cold, but we did have an unusually large amount of snow. Snowfall records throughout Montana were shattered. Since about 2010, our winters have been gradually getting colder and longer, though.
Last night was warmer than it has been; about 5 above zero.
i live in a country where summer is predominant. almost 4 months of scorching temperature. it is winter when we get some respite from those hot & humid stuff
That is why I gave an option for a dry season and a wet season.
Incidentally, I understand what you mean by scorching temperatures. Almost every year, it gets above 38 C here.
I love all seasons but there is something special about fall.
It always brings cool crisp weather and beautiful foliage.
Yes, it is certainly colorful. Even here, surrounded by evergreens, there are enough trees and bushes that change color that it is quite pretty.
I have a lot of evergreens in my yard and would like more.
Virtually every direction we look, we see evergreens; pines, firs, hemlocks, spruces, cedars, and so forth. We have three fir trees and a spruce growing in our yard.