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Photos Chain Challenge – Artificial Lake

Today I’m going to post a photo of a beautiful park in my hometown in Bulgaria. I selected the forest from vidocka’s last post in this challenge. You can visit it at this link

Bachinovo Suburban Park is a beautiful locality 3.5 km from Blagoevgrad.Among the tall trees, within meters of the earth you can test your courage, get the right amount of adrenaline and come out as winners.Park Bachinovo – a paradise for relaxation, walks and sports of Blagoevgrad citizens.

Located 3 km. above the city. From there passes the road to the village of Bistritsa, the Bodrost resort, the Parangalitsa reserve and Macedonia hut.

The park is also accessible by a footpath along the other bank of the Bistritsa River.

There is a lake in the park where you can enjoy swan-shaped water wheels.

 There are a pair of white and a pair of black swans. And many ducks of the Greyhound (Anas platyrhynchos) breed.

The Kokolandia cable car park is also open for children. The attraction is unique in the region and is a series of rope obstacles.

And although the alley, benches and artificial ponds located at the top of the park create the atmosphere of an urban park territory, the wild forest that goes from deciduous to pine and spruce leaves reminds that with each step it goes deeper and deeper. in Rila’s arms.

The park is cool, with beautiful nature. The atmosphere recharges with positive energy and makes people’s day truly successful, regardless of the purpose of your visit – long walks, sports, meeting friends or relaxing with family.

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Written by lacho59


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