I did talk about what I was missing here at Virily and also came to know there were others sailing in the same boat. We all know Admin does not talk but do what they think is good. Right or wrong. Who am I to question anyway Takes me to the quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson “Ours not to reason why, ours but to……”
I have decided to move on and just go about doing what I do here. If I do not earn for some views received so be it. I have done well here and hope to continue.
I have decided to take a stand that many here have taken. And that is the best to have relaxing moments here. Although earning is a great incentive to be here there are other advantages – learning and sharing.
Ours is not to question why but just do………..Do you agree?
You sound like me. First, if things go a bit wrong I get excited and then I calm down and ask myself Now what was there to get excited about? Then I reason it all out.
As is known here Admin never communicates. We are supposed to understand them looking at actions they take In this case I notice they do not credit virils for some views and this is only for a few users who apparently have earned well here. I understand it to be a way to keep their money crunch in check which is OK by me. If only they open up to the community I am sure many more will rally round them.
The same case has happen with me as well
This Admin has their own way to save themselves. It is fine if they have issues and I am sure users will rally round and help them out. But this they do not want to do.
The more you are relaxed and not burdened with the little things, the better you will be at Virily ….. even if something goes wrong you cannot change it …. so just enjoy yourself
There is always instant reaction as it happened with me. I agree with you. Things will not change but I am glad I spoke about it before moving on.
For people who has a stable job I don’t think there is a problem with this. But for the people who are depending on the earning here, for the time and electricity spent it does matter.
I do not depend on this for my survival And even for those who are depending on this the reigns are with the Site. They can spring surprises as is being done by several Sites.
Good that we don’t depend here, but you are right, we must also know what’s happening just in case.
for now we enjoy the interractions. we are learning here anyway.
We will still need to find out, maybe someone will explain these to the members.
oh no… maybe the boat is sinking.
I think there is an explanation and I hope everything is ok in reality
It is human to react and then calm down. I am a human being and that is exactly what happened to me. I will move on