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Not Fond of Snakes

Although I am not fond of snakes I do love to watch nature shows on television. I have never heard of the hognose snake and the very odd way it avoids being eaten for dinner. In fact, I have to check several sources because it sounded so odd to me. I have heard of some animals playing dead and this snake can take it quite a bit farther.

It not only plays dead, but is able to emit the smell of unappetizing rotting meat. So the hungry agressor moves on to something that smells and looks more appetizing.

I truly do like learning new things. This may not be new to you and still it was an interesting tidbit for me.

  • Question of 2

    Did you know about the odd defense of this snake?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of 2

    Have you ever eaten snake?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. Based on your posts this week I have to ask if you are actually someone else. Were you once Alice Cooper? 🙂
    (because you’ve posted you don’t like spiders and you don’t like snakes…)

    I don’t like Spiders and Snakes, Alice Cooper!