This photo was taken in Pamplona Spain in July 2019. I was visiting my big son’s family. My little granddaughter is my princess celebrating her seventh birthday. We were walking along the river and I was taking pictures. When I saw this tree, my first thought was: When a person falls, he stands up and moves on. Unfortunately, this is a short tree for this tree.
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Question of
Do you enjoy nature walks?
Question of
Do you enjoy nature walks?
I love being close to nature!
I have a strange tale about a plum tree. When first coming to where I live, the old plum tree in the field next door fell over on the ground in a storm.
It always had leaves.
Now over 20 years from now, this tree has produced edible plums and very much alive.
I really like to walk along the nearby river. I see such scenes after storms.
I know you’re a big fan of nature
Yes I always enjoy being out isn nature. Love the photo.
it is great when one has contact with nature
I live in the countryside and have a lot of opportunities for nature walks
That’s great – a walk in nature
I guess nature made a bridge.
A beautiful bridge built by nature
when a tree falls nothing can be done, but mourn the passing of the tree.
Every thing is beautiful, even this dead tree.
Dead trees also add art to gardens. I have one such tree.