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Nature Tuesday – Lake Hakanoa & Canadian Geese

I am so pleased to see Ducks, Geese & Swans in parks and in this lake which is a domain in Huntly. Not long ago it was Duck Shooting season, but not only Ducks but pheasants, geese and any other bird. I really don’t like that season, as I am very fond of birds, but apparently they have to be culled and shot. 

All sensible birds go to parks and public places where no one is allowed to shoot them.

Here is some Canadian Geese for today.

I am sorry I have not been very active on Virily, but I have been extremely busy but will try to return here to appreciate this place when I can. 

All the best wishes to all who visit my site and I will take some time but will do my very best to respond to all your comments and comment on your posts as well.

It is not easy to be artist, photographer, wife, girl friday, gardener & landscaper, house person, chef and chauffeur with a crippled husband and no support what so ever ..He is going to get help, but it takes time, effort and courage and strength.

I have a million things to do and a million things to learn..Construct a lot of things for the house or garden and that takes time too.

One can do all they can and that is what I do. 

  • Life can be busy cant it?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Pamela Moresby


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