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Nature on Tuesday – Woody mushrooms

We’ve all seen them. Some are on the tree trunk, others on the tree. I’ve reviewed sites with information about these mushrooms. Unfortunately, I did not find any of this kind. Some of them can be eaten, but others are quite poisonous. I personally buy mushrooms only from the store. But sometimes trouble happens. I remember a case, a woman died after eating poisonous mushrooms in a very refined restaurant. I think there is no 100% security.

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  • Do you think that cultivated mushrooms can be poisonous?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by lacho59


  1. As far as I know, this is not for meal. It’s dead in the restaurant. The errant was wrong when collecting.
    Exceptionally, if the poisonous micellum on the edible food is very toxic to the edible and edible mushroom, a strong wind can be applied. But this is so rare.
    Mostly a man is bored or sturdy or very confident in his knowledge ..
    Tip: If you are not an expert, shop at stores or pick them up yourself. You have the conditions.
    I mean thebvChampignons-Agaricus and Pleurotus ostreatus-which grows on the Beech tree.

  2. Yes, you need to be careful of mushrooms. One tree Hill or Cornwall park once had lots of mushrooms since they sprayed herbal spray no mushrooms appear.
    I once used to go and collect very ordinary mushrooms I could easily identify but now there are none.
