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My desktop computer is good enough for me

I have had this computer for years now although it has been refurbished or may be I can say parts replaced umpteen number of times, starting from the monitor,  speakers, printer,  hard disc……….. the works

Everything that I have now is new but the concept remains and that is to work on a desk top rather than a smart phone or laptop. The only upgrade if I might call it that is I have increased the size of the hard disk which was half a GB to begin with and now it is around 400 GB.  I need that capacity to work.

I have produced great work using this humble device proving that one does not have to go for upgrades that manufacturers offer. They do that to stay in business and the gullible fall a prey

  • Are you gizmo or upgrades crazy?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by grace


    • These upgrades are just for companies to remain in business and the gullible public is taken for a ride. Take what makes you comfortable but not just to upgrade because it is there.