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My Backyard Jungle

I thought a lot about the proper title for this poll. Photos are taken on a stormy day, when heavy rain literally poured from the sky. Thunders were so loud that I thought skies could fell down. Frequent lightening emphasized the whole, a bit apocalyptic scenery. Still, nature was so beauty and divine in this few hours of its ”rage”, as we, the humans, like to describe those pure natural weather mood changes. All was so clear and pure.

This ”jungle” is a patch of no-man’s-land under my back window and I enjoy in that view. Truth to be told, this is the window I never dare to open, because of a whole family of lizards who live on the balcony and zillion species of insects that are dwelling in dense vegetation. But the vegetation itself is magnificent. I can recognize one really old walnut tree, a few willows and plenty of acacias. And all these trees are wrapped in miles and miles of blackberry vines and bindweed. Not to mention nettles, bulrush and some plants I have never seen before. This abundance of flora withdrew equal multitude in fauna. At least when it comes to  birds. Never before I have heard more beautiful nightingale’s song, nor seen prettier little birds of any kind. Last week, a stark flew over my house and before that, my daughter and I observed, for a several minutes, a heron fishing in the river.

Being a real city girl, sometimes I feel like I moved to a Wonderland. And unlike Alice, I like it more and more every day I spend here.

  • Question of

    Does it look like a jungle to you?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  • Question of

    Can you see a walnut tree?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I see something, but not sure what
  • Question of

    Do you like the view?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Only on the picture


What do you think?

12 Points


    • Sounds interesting, but tiresome. 🙂 I don’t dare to enter that part of land, because it’s too wild and bushy. In fact, I doubt I could even manage to step there because of too dense vegetation, mostly those with thorns. 😀