It is really exciting to drive around in a forested area and come across wild animals. However it is not very smart to go too close or disturb a wild animal with a calf. A female elephant with a calf can chase and trample your vehicle if she perceives danger.
We follow all the rules and if possible take a forest guard with us on such rides. Here we came across a mother elephant and her new born baby, the guard told us that the baby could be just 3-4 days old. The mother was not too happy to see us, but we drove away as slowly as possible without disturbing them.
The excitement of seeing animals in the wild cannot be compared to seeing tame elephants or domesticated animals. As a family we took road trips every summer. We enjoyed so many of these scenes and these are some of our precious memories.
Do you like seeing wild animals?
In a time like this, I can just want to see them on TV or on the Internet.
I don’t get a chance to see wild animals.
I love all animals. Saw cows, horses and donkeys today.
Wow! I can’t even imagine how it feels to see wild elephants in nature, that’s really amazing.
This view is incredibly sensitive. Mother and baby and I have seen wild rabbits, foxes and deer in my homeland. Here in Spain where I live wild rabbits and birds.Congratulations on this photo.
Wild animal are always interesting
They are indeed without any doubt.
You are lucky to see such magnificent animals as the elephant in the wild …. there are no dangerous animals around me so I can walk without worry …. I meet some deer that is all … I only saw elephants in the animal a garden where they also take good care of them … she even had a puppy last year
I would say I am lucky/blessed. I do not mind driving long distances to see them.
There are not many wild animals in my area. I saw them at the zoo but, I would like to see an elephant in the wild!
There aren’t any in the city but most of these picture were taken in forest reserves.
i have seen elephants in the wild and it is amazing. I once sat in a car with some co-workers watching aa tiger prowling the edge of the jungle. even though we were safe, we were silent!
A tiger is a magnificent animal, I have watched a tiger a few times on safaris. It is exciting to watch them.
i was a little nervous, but it was so beautiful to see in the wild.