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More Babies ~ Nature Tuesday

Was out in the front photographing flowers yesterday and I kept hearing baby birds. I started looking around and in the top of one of my spruce trees, I saw the little heads peeking out. Blackbird babies. This is the third nest so far this year. Two in the backyard and now this one in the front. 

Why couldn’t it be cardinals or doves. Just what I need, more blackbirds. Oh well, I got a few photos as they were waiting on mom and dad to feed them.

Another unexpected moment in my yard. This year birds seems to have taken over. Except for bluebirds. They are around but still no nest. Maybe there is too much going on for them. 


  • Question of

    Do you welcome all birds in your yard?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can you tell these are blackbirds from the photo?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by Carol DM


    • Some birds (ratbird aka sparrows) will eat anything. Can you try photographing them? Post the pics and I will try to help identify them. If you are interested. In the spring most birds find their own food.

      • I have tried capturing with pictures, will try again. The ever greens behind our house are huge and the birds are well inside.

        But, will try again, and thank you so much!!

  1. I usually don’t welcome birds in my house (when my garden is) because they’ll poop on the floor or ransack my bins … :/

    But if I’ve a garden like yours, I’ll welcome them

  2. Oh yes, I welcome all birds in our backyard but I cannot feed them because the neighbours are going to complain. I have not seen our ducks though again this year. They did not show up last year either. They were so pretty to watch especially after the eggs were hatched and all the ducklings were following mom in a single line. I just hope they were not killed during duck season and that they just chose to go somewhere else…

    • Come one come all is what I say. The problem is my bluebirds are not nesting. And I think it’s because of all the other birds. Oh well, it is not too late, maybe soon. I never see ducks, but I am not close to any water. I am sure they are fine.
