
Midterm Elections Are Tomorrow

Midterm elections are tomorrow and the indications are that it will be close and people who very concerned will be up all night finding out what the results really are. As for me, the only thing I can do is cast my votes and I did that in early voting. I tend to do my research early so I don’t have to deal with all the last minute infighting.

I don’t know if it really matters with congress. It seems like ALL of them are more interested in lining their pockets, resisting, causing chaos, and creating drama than helping those who put them there. It is a dismal view, but I think the facts so it to some a very accurate view.

I won’t be staying up late to see what happens. It doesn’t matter anyway, once it is done they will just move on to fight about something else. Humm, I just read this again and I am not sure why I even bother to vote. I really don’t believe anyone cares or values what I say or do. 

Feeling invisible.

  • Question of

    Do you ever feel invisible?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Does one vote matter?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you watching the numbers tomorrow?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I guess I am pretty used to getting ignored here. I can of understand how this play a role in my sister’s decisions. I have not watched any of the coverage yet. I suppose I will do that in a couple of hours. Thanks for trying I appreciate it.

  2. I think every vote is important. We voted early and turned our ballots in at the registrar’s office to avoid any mishaps with the mail. This election is crucially important. It will determine whether votes will continue to count more than intimidation and mob violence. It will determine the future of freedom of speech and religion. It will determine whether we will continue to have constitutional liberty under law or whether we will transform into a socialist nation where the elite determine what’s best for everyone, taxes will skyrocket, and government bureaucrats will divide the pie as it suits them. Medicare for all does away with Medicare for those who have it and nullifies the insurance plans of those who have them. Instead everyone who currently has medical insurance will get less care and pay more for it in taxes than they do now. Citizens will be footing the bill for free care for the ever increasing illegal immigrants who can’t find work.