31 Oct 2016
Chicago, Illinois (Edgewater neighborhood)
Nikon Coolpix P7700
The tree is located in front of the building at 6253 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois.
Editing was done with ACDSee Ultimate 2020. I adjusted the lighting and increased the contrast, clarity and vibrance. Then I adjusted the levels.
© 2016 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.
#Chicago #Illinois #trees #walls #bricks #windows #ACDSee
Do you have ornamental trees in your yard?
Nice photo I have some trees but not ornamental ones.
When I grew up in Kansas City we had a large yard (by comparison to Chicago) and we had some maple and elm trees. As a kid I used to love climbing on them. We also had a plum tree which produced fruit.
Beautiful maple tree. It does look small though compared to North America (especially Canada) grand and sometimes enormous maple trees. They are actually slowly changing colors right now and I cannot wait to go along the Gatineau park to witness their glorious color changes…
It is very small by comparison. And unlike our other maples, the leaves are reddish all year round.
That is a lovely looking tree, We have palm trees everywhere here,
Those are nice. Unfortunately they would never survive a Chicago winter.
Nice. It’s a shame that it was damaged. The one I saw was a lot smaller.
I have a Dogwood tree. This maple is stunning.
Thanks. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any ornamental trees in my garden, but I would love one of these. They are such pretty trees, I think.
I used to work at a local church and they had a couple of them outside of the office. This one was in front of an apartment building I happened to pass.
No ornamental trees in our back garden, just apple trees!
I wish we had an apple tree. Unfortunately our yard measures about 5×20 feet.
I have a bottle brush right at the gate. Talking about ornamental trees I have written a post about the 16 most beautiful trees in the world and that maple tree features there.
Those are interesting plants. They aren’t common around my part of the world, though. I’ve only seen them once.
The video clip shows our tree when it was in full bloom but after a mini tornado it got chopped off. We do get flowers but not with this intensity
Nice. It’s a shame that it was damaged. The one I saw was a lot smaller.