It is probably time to do some more serious work. Still I believe that choices are better than one chore. So my choices to be more healthy today are…
1. Brush my teeth using the opposite hand I would normally use, to work a different part of my brain.
2. Iron all his pillowcases
3. Send snail mail to someone who hasn’t received something from me in two months.
4. Get out the pedometer and make sure I hit 10,000 before I go to bed.
5. Interval eating.
Remember I am successful even if I only complete one of the tasks.
Question of
Do any of these sound hard to you?
Question of
Do you think I am foolish to do this so publicaly?
10,000 steps a day is a great goal!
It takes guts to share goals publically!
I have to be accountable.
accountable doesn’t go well on the internet. But as a human being, I agree with you!
Hitting 10K might be challenging depending on your lifestyle.
We just cheat on that usually … lol
Well probably so. I don’t see any reason to cheat myself.
We joined in one challenge that we can exchange steps (points) for vouchers… so obviously we did cheat at times
It would be time consuming to doing these in 365 days, but if it’s just a day, then it’s very doable.
If I were a retired, and did not have a reason to go anywhere I would definitely give it a shot.
Retired! I work 12 hours a day at my day job. I go places. I get dressed, don’t take selfies though.
You can accomplish all of these.
Well only if things go very smoothly at work!