In this time of lockdown we are having a number of guests at home. We had a butterfly come in yesterday, and all the fans were whirling like crazy so I had to chase the beauty outdoors before it got hurt. Today this little fella visited me in the garden and hung around for a long time.
There was a little black bird which came into my son’s room on Saturday through the balcony. I had left a lot of twine cut into pieces to tie up the trailing plants and this little one came to collect some I think. The twine was left on the table next to the door to the balcony. I couldn’t get a picture of him, as he flew away before I could get my camera out of the case.
Dragonflies seem to be always around my waterlily ponds and so are damsel flies. Bumble bees are whirring around making so much noise. Birds are chirping happily and they seem to like it when we are indoors. I am not missing socializing at all.
Question of
Are you missing socializing?
Question of
Will you tell me what keeps you busy these days?
Great capture! I have never been much of a social person, but I miss spending time close to nature.
wow, that is so cool! visitors are fun. i do as well miss having people come over!
I miss our Bible study group. they used to come here every Saturday. We still do the same online but I miss all the fun and chatter we have after the study.
we had a similar group, not at our house, i miss that as well.
Nature gets us through the difficult times often Dawn. i would love to have a bird leave something like that. How cool. Spending time in my yard every day.
I am so glad that we have our garden and out little friends to bring us joy in these testing times.
hehe congrats nice guest 🙂
Thank you , I am glad you like my friends 🙂
I didn’t socialize much before the lockdown, so I don’t miss socializing. I miss long walks in nature with my dog.
I am like that as well, but we did have our Bible study groups and prayer groups which I do miss now,
I am busy teaching online.
I am glad that you are so busy to miss anything. Great going.
I love how you explained being outside there. Dragaonflies, damselfles, birds inside and out. lol. Thank you for sharing. Just saying, next time we have a lock down, can I come and stay? 😉
I forgot to answer the question. I too have been spending a lot of my time in the yard. Spring is springing here. My columbine is just about to open. 🙂
I love the columbine flowers, my friend from Canada keeps sending pictures of them to me.
We don’t have them here. Waiting for you to post those pictures here as well.
I plan to harvest every seed. lol I love them as well. About those pictures… It’s taking forever to open. We have had no sun at all all week long. It is getting its white tips on it, and now there are about 10 buds.
Kim, you are so welcome. I can take you trekking as well 🙂
Ah, now that is an added plus. I wonder if I could mail myself… 😉