My hope is that things will settle down and I will have time to get thank you cards out for those who sent flowers and provided food for the drive after the funeral. They made us all lunch bags. It was sweet.
I need to sharpen up on some of the new skills I need for my assignment with a different department at work. I would love to get caught up on the laundry. (That would require that one day we just stay in the pajamas we wore the night before, someone will blow that.) I need to call and confirm the doctor’s appointments.
I need to get caught up on some reading. I do enjoy that and I have been too tired in the evening to get it done. I know that is not much for goals, but I am just tired.
Question of
Do you ever just get too tired to finish a job?
Question of
Any one know how many hours of sleep I need?
it can be hard to get things done. I find many things don’t get finished because of time, but sometimes because I am just too tired to finish them!
I need to get my little habits under control. I am losing focus in many areas and that is not a good thing.
i know that feeling happens to me all the time!
We are humans so we get tired. Anyway, anything happened?
Something always happens. I just never know what it is going to be.
take it easy and writing is a good way of letting out.
Sorry for my question it’s too private I guess.
Personally I think you could do with one whole day off. Just don’t get out of bed. Read, relax, watch TV, listen to music and sleep whenever you feel like it. I can guarantee that the following day you will be up and ready to take on the world.
That can’t happen here. I am my brother’s keeper. He needs help.
I am not complaining. I love him and I want him to be happy, comfortable and as pain free as possible. as long as he can live.
Well then, how about a day you put everything else aside and make it a day devoted to your brother doing just the things he loves to do or wants to do and put aside writing, worrying, and getting on to sites?
Perfect. It cannot be today as it is almost over, but that is a wonderful idea. Thank you so much for the suggestion. You are a true friend and very creative.
Glad I could help. I hope it turns out to be one of the best days ever.
Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep.
I got three. That is better than two.