
Important Topic ~ Gun Owner's Responsibility

There has been a lot of talk about gun owners and gun responsibility. Most of the things I have seen on this subject were clearly written by those who don’t own guns. I think it is time for gun owners to educate others.

When reading information that others had put I realized they were all people who did not own and use guns. One made me laugh right out loud. I will share it.

 “Individual gun owners would be allowed to own 1 handgun and 1 hunting … Remember, you can only shoot one weapon at a time.” 

What is wrong with that statement?  If you hunt ducks, deer and elk (all which you eat) you need different kinds of long guns. There is no way around it if you want to be able to process the meat. No I won’t be shooting two long guns at the same time. I actually think it is physically impossible. As for handguns, I have a need for different sizes depending on why I am carrying them. I didn’t bother to read the rest of that article as it was clearly inaccurate.

I have a responsibility to my guns in good working order to avoid any unforeseen malfunctions.This includes cleaning and maintenance.  I need to keep my guns locked and put away from others who may not use them properly or steal them for nefarious reasons.

I have the responsibility to treat my guns as if they are loaded and lethal at all times. This includes when I have physically emptied the gun. The motto is “There is no such thing as an empty gun.” 

  • Question of

    Do you understand these responsibilities?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you believe a 12 year old could responsible for a rifle?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you own a gun?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter