Cats meows have variety. They meow differently when looking for their mate, when they are hungry, when the mother calls out to its baby, when they have caught a prey……………..the list is endless
And yes they also have a meow when they are scared or desperate. That is the kind of meow I heard and I searched everywhere from where that meow was coming. Finally I spotted Peppie right on top of the ventilator. He wanted me to bring him down. But I ignored his meow. If he could climb up there he could jolly well know how to get down.
And get down he did. Cats are sure footed and he proved it.
Do you understand your pets’ cries?
That is interesting to know. I don’t have a cat but had when I was a child.
Cats grow doing things that no one has trained them for
Oh wow. Little one is a climber
We have 5 of them and they climb all over even trees. I love to see them doing it.