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How To Create a Secure Password That You Can Remember

Creating a secure and complex password is a must to secure your account. A complex and secure password means avoiding the following types of passwords

  1. Short and Common Passwords: Common passwords are the easiest password that anyone (or any lazy person) would come up with. But they are also the easiest to guess. According to Wikipedia, some of the most common passwords used are:123456passwordqwerty111111Iloveyouabc123
  2. Names and Birthdays – In guessing passwords, hackers might first try your name and birthday and any combinations of both. Then the names and birthdays of the people close to you.
  3. Dictionary Words – Dictionary passwords are also easy to crack. Hackers could run a program that uses a file containing millions of dictionary words to ‘guess’ the password.

Unfortunately, many only users are still using these types of passwords these days. Worse, they are using the same password on different websites and applications. The reason is, a complex and secure password is also difficult to remember.

Would you remember a password like:


According to , it would take 200 years for a computer to crack this password. The question is, would I remember this? My answer is, YES!

Not that I am good at remembering senseless order of characters, I have a technique in creating a secure password that I’d like to share with you.

Step No 1. Prepare a copy of a poem, a prayer, lyrics of your favorite song, a book that you love.

For example, one of my favorite books is Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

Step 2: Take the first letter of each word and include any punctuation and make it the password:


This one looks good and secure enough. But according to the site I mentioned above it would only take 5 hours for a computer to crack this password.

Step 3. Decide which letters to turn to uppercase. Let’s you want all letters from A-E are in uppercase.


Now it would take a computer for two weeks to crack this password.

Step 4. Add some numbers. Simply count the number of characters that your password has.


Here, I added a zero since we only have a single-digit number.

Now it would take 8 hundred years for a computer to crack the password. If a computer could live that wrong.

You can also add one or more special characters or even use space to make your password more complicated.

I hope this would help you create a more secure and complex password and would have a way of remembering them. The important thing is you can make your own rules. Like, what letters would be in uppercase, what number and special characters you would like to add.

As @DocAnderson would always say, change your password regularly!

And on a personal note, I did not enter any of the passwords that I use on

  • Question of

    Do you think your password is easy to crack?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can you now make a complex password and have a way to remember it?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can you guess the sentence that I used to make this password ‘htCAsptyCr!’?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by artbytes26

I'm a self-taught photographer and artist, hobbyist, nature lover, photo editor. and a self trained web designer and developer.


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    • Yup. I forgot to mention, what makes it easy to remember your password is, what you need to remember only is the title, phrase or title that you have chosen. e.g. the title of the book in this example. Plus the rules as to which letters should be in uppercase. 🙂

    • Good. As I have mentioned, you can make your own rules. This is just one of the possible ways to make a complex password with a way to remember it.
      I am using a different set of rules for my own password.

    • Oh, I forgot to mention, you don’t have to remember the actual password, you remember the title or the line that you used to make.your.password. like in this example, to recall my password, all I need is to recall the title of the book Rich Dad, Poor Sad b Robert Kiyosaki.

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