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How to add two or more questions and edit them in your polls

The ‘Poll‘ is undeniably the most popular type of posts here in Virily these days. Members do love to create polls for various reasons. Perhaps one obvious reason is you get the most Viril points when you post a Poll. It has the same Viril points as Quiz, Versus and ‘Hot or Not’.

However, in recent months, a number of problems surfaced in Virily. One of those problems is adding two or more questions to a poll. Based on my experience lately, when I add a second question, it disappears after I click add. When I first encountered this problem, I kept on adding the same question thinking that the question was somehow lost. As a result, the poll was published with duplicate questions.

To complicate matters further,  we cannot edit our drafts. Thus we cannot edit the question.



The good news is, I found a solution to this problem. It’s rather a workaround for this problem though. But it works.

As you can see on the screenshot, the first two questions are the same. But I was able to edit the first question.

Here are the steps.

  1. When you create the poll, don’t type the content first. Don’t even type the title. Add the questions first. Don’t worry if you see only one or two questions. Just keep on adding the questions.
  2. After adding the questions, RELOAD the page. Don’t save the draft!  You will be surprised to see all the questions that you entered. (I guess the surprise is gone now.)
  3. You can now enter the title and the content of your poll and edit the questions.

I hope this helps.

  • Question of

    Do you always want to add two or more questions to your polls?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Did you encounter this problem in adding questions to your poll?

    • Yes
    • No
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    Do you find this article helpful?

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  • Question of

    Would you share your idea on adding more questions to your poll?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by artbytes26

I'm a self-taught photographer and artist, hobbyist, nature lover, photo editor. and a self trained web designer and developer.


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    • You’re welcome, Doc… And yes, I always believe that there are always more ways than one to solve a problem. Some times our experiences are slightly different from the others. There was even one time that the second question I entered appeared instantly, so I thought this issue has been resolved already… but I was wrong…

      What is important is, we explore as many options as possible.

    • There is always more than one solution to any problem. I had maybe a couple of experiences that I lost my content after I accidentally reloaded the page. But the image and the questions were there. I think the image might still appear even you decide to create a new type of post. As long as the previous one was not saved or submitted.

      Maybe it’s because the image and the questions are handled differently by the system compared to the text box…

  1. I did not mention the photo because it’s not part of the problem.
    In the case of the content, there was a time or two that I lost what I typed after I accidentally dragged the screen down on my phone and forced a reload. So as a precaution, I do the questions first then add the contents later.

  2. Your workaround is effective as I have been doing that since last year whenever I experienced problems with adding poll questions.

    Your method also works on quizzes. Refresh or reload multiple times until both the choices or answers are shown under each question.


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