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Help others

Man cannot live a selfish life. The easiest way to give meaning to your life is to help others. And helping others, you can’t wait for gratitude. In this sense, helping is noble because it is free, unselfish.

Everything you give away stays with you. First of all,  you are satisfied with your behavior. Why you should need more gratitude? A clean conscience is the greatest thanks to you.

Help and forget. And your soul will be enriched.

© Fortune, 2009

  • Helping others we enrich our soul, agree?

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Written by Fortune


  1. Unfortunately, this is a trait that adorns a small number of people.
    Most like to kill,
    Take a look through history from the beginning, from Avel and Cain to the present, how many kills, how many wars only.
    Your sayings are noble.
    But there is more evil in the world than good.