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Five Harmful Foods

Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but what we choose to put on our plates can have an unhealthy impact on our bodies – even if the taste of those foods is delicious …

There are some foods that can pass as ‘friends’ when they are actually authentic ‘villains’ for our bodies. More so, we consume many of these foods daily.

1. Margarine – Margarine is not a recommended food at all, despite being reputed to be a healthier and less caloric alternative compared to eating butter. The vegetable oils that make up this food are hydrogenated, responsible for giving margarine a texture that is both solid and creamy. These oils are highly harmful because they are sources of transgenic fats, which in turn contribute to the incidence of heart attacks and strokes.

2. Processed meat – Sausages, ham, bologna, salami, sausage, bacon, chorizo, etc. This type of food is full of sodium and fat, contributing to the development of obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, and various cancers, especially colon cancer.

3. Soft drinks – Extremely popular, they are the most consumed beverages worldwide, right after water and coffee. Soft drinks are abundant in sugar, which over time contributes to the onset of serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cancer.

4. Light and sweetener products – No light and diet foods are not necessarily healthier. All of these products include artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose, which replace sugar, which also contributes to the increase in obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

5. White Bread – The nutritional value of white flour is quite poor. Despite its delicious flavor, white bread offers very little nutrients, is caloric, promotes increased blood sugar and weight gain.

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Written by nela13


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