We are nearing our publishing launch date of Eric’s second edition of his first novel. We have revamped the interior and to match our efforts on the inside we’re upgrading the outside. Tell us if this new cover is an improvement. Which cover is the better one? Also, if you have a moment leave us a comment, or you can message me, telling us what you like or don’t like about either cover. I’ll write an episode of Eren’s Challenge, using ideas offered by the person with the most helpful feedback regarding the covers. I’ll gather your episode ideas when I contact you back.
We’re here to ask you which cover we should use for Eric’s novel, Exhaust from the Tin Woods. Which one do you think we should use?
Exhaust from the Tin Woods 1
Exhaust from the Tin Woods 2
very good articles writings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And again I blush from your praise. Does this mean you’re a fan?
Pretty minimalist covers, there is more happening on the back…
Yes, I noted, I have other versions as well, but I like the front open and clean, uncluttered.
You have certainly met your criteria here
Thank you Alex, I hope readers like these.
There’s the old saw about not judging a book by the cover, but that’s human nature…
Very true Alex people do judge books by the covers. LOL
Right or wrong, it’s how we are. Our ancestors had to make split second decisions between life and death, so we instinctively rush to judgement
In that case, the first option is better. 🙂
Thank you, I’ll consider that. What do you think about the front cover font placing or the font use?
Font goes well with the whole concept of the cover. 🙂
Thank you T, I appreciate this.
I voted for the first one, because it looks better as a whole, but I would like to see more color, like the back side of the second picture. 🙂
So would a more colourful picture on the back work?
No, because on the front is black and white photo. That’s why the first one has more sense, but I prefer more colors both on the front and on the back, so the whole cover would look richer. That doesn’t mean my perception is right, it’s only a suggestion according to my liking. 🙂
Ok, I understand your meaning, You’d prefer to see colour front and back! I see. Cool. The artist who created the front image chose to do the art in pencil for this cover this is why we have the front in black and white. Sad really, in my opinion, I agree with you. But in some situations, I do prefer a simple B & W image. In this case, a colour image would have been preferable, yes!