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Did You Know This About Cats

Interesting facts I have learned about cats. After all these years of owning cats I did not know this…

A cat will almost never meow at another cat. Cats use this sound for their mothers and their human care-givers.

The love of cats is called Ailurophilia. People who own cats – and pets, in general – live longer, have less stress, and have lower blood pressure and fewer heart attacks.

When a cat winks at you it means it trusts and love you. Wink back and you’ll see it will wink back too.

Cats generally do not like to be touched on their belly but love being rubbed at the base of the tail, on the head, behind the ears and below the chin. (I knew this one, found out the hard way!)

Cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day.

A domestic cat hears frequencies up to about 65 kHz, humans up to 20 kHz.

Cats have a sense of smell about 14 times stronger than that of humans.

A cat has 24 whiskers, 4 rows of whiskers on each side. The upper two rows can move independently of the bottom two rows. A cat uses its whiskers for measuring distances.

Cats do not have a collarbone, so they can fit through any opening the size of their head.

Cats walk on their toes.

And the most interesting one of all in my opinion is….

The nose pad of a cat is ridged in a pattern that is unique, just like the fingerprint of a human.

©CarolDM Photo of my cat Brendel laying in my lap.

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14 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. All I know about cats is that they select who is their human friend. I have always wanted to find out what does it mean when a cat rubs my leg when he or she walks in my direction.

  2. I might have lied when I said I knew all those cat facts. Some of them I knew, for example their sense of smell, their nose, their whiskers and collarbone, their toes, their great hearing, the fact that they help a person relax, their sleeping habits. But I did not know the name of the love for cats (which I have), the fact that they do not like belly rub (Runt, my cat, loves belly rub), the wink and winking back (I will have to try to remember that one) and especially the fact that cats only meow to their parents (feline or humans) or siblings. Great information you gave here. Thank you. Very much appreciated from a cat lover (and dog lover) such as myself.

  3. It’s a bit strange that I have never had a cat that doesn’t like to be touched by his stomach. Popeye had no restrictions to be touch anywhere, but Susie didn’t like being touched on her spine. About the nose pad of a paint, I just know from you today. do you know why?

    • That is kind of odd Albert. I guess there are always exceptions. The only thing I know about their unique notepad is what a vet once told me. This makes them each unique. They can easily be identified he said.
