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Dark Horse

It’s a term I have often heard, but no really used. It was probably because I truly didn’t understand where it came from and what it meant. The first time that I could find it noted was in a novel by  Benjamin Disreali. Since I had never read the novel I took the opportunity to do so. It was interesting and I am grateful because it was interesting.

The basis was that an unknown horse couldn’t possible win the race. It eluded to status and how it carries over.

Shortly after I finished reading it today I saw a list of dark horses for the CMT awards. 

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10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. I use the term, have used the term for years. The Dark Horse has another meaning in literature (foreboding, foretelling) as well.

    The opposite of “they rode in on a pale horse and hell followed behind them!”

  2. A thought provoking post. I use the term often without actually thinking about its origins.

    A dark horse is someone who wins an election or a game though no one expected him or her to win. This term could have become popular from horse racing days.

    Usually no one would bet on an unknown horse since they cannot make an assessment of its winning chances. When the unexpected horse wins, they probably started using the term “dark horse”. The term “dark” could have been used to mean “unknown”. This is just a guess from my end.