Covid lockdown 4 was a bit of a shock as businesses ceased and people went into isolation.
As we watched and saw many in Italy die of Covid 19 in Italy our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made the decision to stop the spread of the virus, and quickly.
Jacinda Ardern probably saved thousands of New Zealanders when she made this decision, and if it were not for this quick decision, many here in New Zealand would be dead.
Now we have been coming back to normal with caution…
Take nothing for granted.
Businesses would not be good if most of their customers and staff die from this virus.
Really, I don’t care who is responsible , it has to be stopped.
Hygiene is a very good precaution and take care.
Question of
Best way not to get sick is prevention, right?
Question of
What lockdown stage is your place at?(tell me in the comments)
The USA is real messy in regards to dealing with the quarantine. I am in a state in which it is scheduled to fully reopen in two weeks.
We have been reading about NZ having no cases now – timely action taken. India is spiking and they are relaxing rules not good for health but the economy is getting flattened.
Most measures will be lifted from next week but we are having increase in the cases. I am a bit worried.
Things are slowly opening up but I am staying home for now.
we are at state 2 as of yesterday first thing. Restaurants can serve indoors but no more than 30% occupancy.
masks are required in public!