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Color Crazy Challenge – Sky on the way!

Well, I’m probably late on this (blue) but I’m still gonna post this anyways! LOL

This is taken when we’re driving back home from Malaysia!

The sky is blue and cloudy … the weather is just right, not too hot or cold, a “perfect” day, I’d say!

Sharing a good weather with you guys!

  • Having good weather at your side?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by alibb


  1. We had rainy days so the heat is no longer a threat to my happiness. ?
    Were you in Paris? Just kidding, whenever I see power towers I think of that silly comment. They look more like transmission towers for mobile signals, nevermind.
    Lovely photo, plenty of palm trees! ??

  2. No wonder the scenery looks so familiar, we are from the same country. 🙂

    I can’t decide whether it’s a good weather. It’s very warm here. It’s good to drying the laundry and going to the park, but it’s too hot to stay at home and sleep, even at night. 😀
