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Botanical names of flowers

Of all the fanfare around roses the botanical name of roses is simply Rosa.  Wild roses have a suffix such as  Rosa rugosa, Rosa woodsii, Rosa chinensis, wild roses are easy to classify. 

It is indeed confusing while most other flowers have such complicated botanical names why a rose that is so wellknown and a favourite of many should have just Rosa as its botanical name. 

Just take orchids for example their botanical or scientific name is Phalaenopsis and so will you find such odd botanical names for so many other flowers and one needs to dig in to find their origin. 

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Written by grace


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  1. Some people make the argument that we should only use the common names of plants, but the problem is that very often, different plants share the same common name. But some of those botanical names are real tongue (and brain) twisters!

    • It is at Sites such as this we need to know botanical names of flowers while writing about them. We share these posts and therefore that information will help viewers to know what exactly the writer is talking about.


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