I am an early riser. I wake up even before the birds that slowly appear with their tweets a bit later The sun is not seen at that time of the morning.
After a hot cup of tea and after feeding the cats I get on to Virily till my fingers tell me it is time to attend to other chores around the house.
I believe in ‘Early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise’ I am not sure of being wealthy but I get a spring in my step when I am up early after a good night’s rest.
Are you a morning person?
I’m not a morning person and I like to sleep very much.
The younger generation around me are all late sleepers.
Yes, I mostly get up early at 3 and 4. Not that I am in a hurry to go somewhere.
Mine is between four and five and I am off to sleep latest by 9
Same case to me. I like waking up early in the morning because I always feel very active during that time.
Yes , i get up early in the morning
You must be going for your walks. Do you?