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Autumn is ending its flame

In the world, autumn is ending its flame. So it’s worth hurrying to recognize, hurrying to drink real-life nectar until the charming autumn light is gone. 

Till the spider webs are still shimmering on the grasses’ stems, fluttering in the breeze on the nude trees’ hair, on the lunar silhouette. Till a flock of crows is flying up from the maple spreading down bunches of yellow leaves. Till the fragrant meadows, people’s gazes, and smiles did not touch the frost. Till the light, falling down from the sky, rising from yellow trees, rustling under our feet still caresses our cooling world.

Soon we will close ourselves from the outside world, will accustom our eyes to darkness, our hearts – to peace and loneliness, our souls  – to feed only from what we have managed to bring from the abundance of summer to the deep and long winter.

Today, I preserve in my memory all the landscapes with light and warmth, glances, smiles that will help me withstand the darkness that will last for months. And the autumn cobweb will wake smile at midnight in December. And during the January storms, the lush smell of meadow grass will stun me from the memory. And in the gray, icy February morning, in the middle of the snowbanks, I will warm my hands to the golden glittering maple fluttering autumn flames to all sides.

Enjoy the last days of colorful autumn and be ready to meet the first snow. 

© Fortune, 2009

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Written by Fortune