
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 317 done!

I finally got the ROV fully assembled. Now it is waiting for a weekend day (I have to drive 2-3 hours a day during the week, which decreases the time I have available) to head over to Little Seneca Lake. Little Seneca is a human created lake, that is not very deep. It is used for drinking water. Well not until after it is treated and pumped into the city water system of Boyd’s, Germantown and Gaithersburg. I suspect Clarksburg perhaps as well although I would doubt they would run piping that far. Anyway, there isn’t much to see nor are there many things in the water, which makes the learning process of steering without getting stuck a little easier.

Sadly there is no pirate treasure beneath the water.

Anyone can join the photo challenge. Point, shoot and share!

  • As a child did you dream of finding Pirate gold?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!