Blogspot (or Blogger) is the official blog publishing platform for Google. It was not a product that Google developed in-house. They bought the service in 2003 from another company. I started using it back in 2010 or 2011. Honestly, I can’t remember because my very first blog got deleted by the Blogger Team Administrators. Not sure what I did wrong but that did not stop from trying again. … And again. … And again. …
If you are an aspiring newbie blogger who has not yet decided to dive into the blogging waters because you don’t know where to start, here are 2 reasons why you should start your blogging adventures using the BlogSpot blog publishing platform.
- Number 1: It’s free and easy to use templates, and extra gadgets.
- Number 2: If you get approved for Google Ad Sense, you can monetize the blog.
There are a number of other reasons but those two should be enough to convince you to get started.
There are lots of different Blogspot templates and you can customize the appearance of your blog. My favorite templates are Emporio, Simple, and Ethereal. In addition, there are gadgets that help you add extra information like Top 10 Popular Posts OR Recommended Links. The gadgets are good because you don’t need to know how to code (HTML or Javascript). Just click the plus sign to add the gadget where you want it to appear on the blog, and fill in the empty box with the content or image you want to be displayed.
As of today, I have 5 blogs published using the Blogspot platform. Like I said. Again and Again and Again. Don’t worry. If you screw up there is a Delete button. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
My Blog Stop! is a #homebusiness and #personalblog curating #adviceandtips, and info for #workathome professionals; and #blogging about topics for general #discussion, expressing #opinions, etc. ~ #blogpublishing w/ #Blogspot #newbiebloggers #bloggingtips
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 19, 2019
EES Presents Food Ways ~ A blog for #foodies and #foodlovers – curated content from around the web, sharing the ways we all like to enjoy #food! … #blogpublishing w/ #Blogspot #homebusiness and #personalblog @EverydaySpices
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 19, 2019
Joie de Vivre Magazine is a freestyle cultural blog; presents content covering varied topics, e.g. art, psychology, science, education, history, entertainment, etc. Interesting & informative. ~ #blogpublishing w/ #Blogspot #homebusiness and #personalblog
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 19, 2019
Go Shopping Bees serves as a personal shopping genie! Whether #wishlist #shopping for others or for yourself, this site will lead you to bargains, deals, unique #giftideas, #productreviews, etc. #blogpublishing w/ #Blogspot #homebusiness #workathome @goshoppingbees
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 19, 2019
Final Fantasy Party blog is for fans of #FinalFantasy and other #SquareEnix #videogames. It is the companion blog for a Tumblr blog by the same name. ( ) #blogpublishing w/ #Blogspot #homebusiness #workathome #FFfans #gaming
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 19, 2019
Is Google Blogger the Right Platform for Me? via @flipboard #blogpublishing w/ #Blogspot #homebusiness #workathome #bloggingadvice #bloggingtips
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) June 19, 2019
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Question of
Do you publish or want to publish your own blog?
Question of
Do you use the Blogspot publishing platform?
I plan to return to blogspot once I use all my space on wordpress
I am always in and out of blogger blogs. Since the monetizing part appears difficult, I am not keen on it.
A great post but I just don’t have enough hours in the day to blog.
Hello Moneyspinner, I believe Blogger is a great choice and while I have some free WordPress sites, Blogger is kinder to the novice, (newbie) and even as a free site, you can interact on all levels even video embedding, whereas with WordPress, (Free version) it’s not possible to add video as part of your marketing campaigns. I have about 150 active sites there. Regards, Andre’
Thank you for sharing information about blog.
Not a platform I’ve considered to date.