She looks a lot like a doberman, just half the size!

And Doberman’s don’t get an awesome white tulip on their chest. 

Written by Kim_Johnson


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    • Thanks Pam. You know the funny thing is, is that you arent the only one to say this. Breeding is like taboo here, its best to rescue. So, we go for walks a lot together, my son and daughter in laws dogs, which is this lovely doberman and this husky mixed with great dane is her other dog. He is male, fixed, and Lily is female and also fixed, but strangers on the sidewalks will say things like you should be ashamed breeding those two together to get her. We try to say they are in no way related, this is usually met with an eye roll and muttering under their breath as they walk away. So, you are not the only one thats said this.


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