Red Bell Pepper (Ripe) (5/5) List item Submitted to "Vegetable Fruits" Approved by Gil Camporazo February 16, 2018, 2:22 pm 178 Views 7 Votes 13 Comments Share Tweet Pin In red bell pepper. the level of carotene and lycopene is nine times higher than in green bell peppers. Red bell peppers have twice the vitamin C content of green bell peppers. MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by Gil Camporazo 13 Comments You take the most beautiful, vivid photographs, Nocturnal Thinker! I’m jealous! 😉 1 Is that so? Well, I am not a professional photographer. I just capture it using my cellphone camera. 1 Yes! Well, then, with a professional camera, you’d be unmatched! A couple of years ago, we also grew yellow ones and orange ones. The flavor was the same but it sure made the garden more colorful. 1 That gives the plantation looks colorful then. 1 Roasted and boiled eggs are very tasty 1 Yap, I have tried to roast the okra and have it dip to a vinegar or to a sauce. It’s yummy and tasty. i really like those red ones im tempted to pick it 1 Red pepper is more nutritious that green one. Love the red ones too. 1 They’re very nutritious…. Love the red ones, they are so colorful to cook with. 1 You’ve a good choice for they’re nutritious.
Is that so? Well, I am not a professional photographer. I just capture it using my cellphone camera. 1
A couple of years ago, we also grew yellow ones and orange ones. The flavor was the same but it sure made the garden more colorful. 1
Yap, I have tried to roast the okra and have it dip to a vinegar or to a sauce. It’s yummy and tasty.
You take the most beautiful, vivid photographs, Nocturnal Thinker! I’m jealous! 😉
Is that so? Well, I am not a professional photographer. I just capture it using my cellphone camera.
Yes! Well, then, with a professional camera, you’d be unmatched!
A couple of years ago, we also grew yellow ones and orange ones. The flavor was the same but it sure made the garden more colorful.
That gives the plantation looks colorful then.
Roasted and boiled eggs are very tasty
Yap, I have tried to roast the okra and have it dip to a vinegar or to a sauce. It’s yummy and tasty.
i really like those red ones im tempted to pick it
Red pepper is more nutritious that green one.
Love the red ones too.
They’re very nutritious….
Love the red ones, they are so colorful to cook with.
You’ve a good choice for they’re nutritious.