in Travel wander project what my father saw 15 by DocAndersen January 25, 2019, 11:56 am 265 Views 5 Votes 6 Comments Share Tweet Pin Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport Pages:Previous 12Next post What do you think? 5 Points Upvote Downvote Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page Share Tweet Pin365_Photos_ChallengeAndersenslawofinnovationAnnapolisanti-outletmallatarianBarbBarb25BarbvideoproducerBergenblizzard2016boringman Written by DocAndersen One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumblr youtube 6 Comments An interesting look at the pictures, they are still beautiful even though they are turned upside down 1 The scanning process can be frustrating, the twins and my daughter did scan more than 30,000 pictures. 1 Wooow, this is a huge picture. Are all yours? 1 The pictures are a family treasure. Some belonged to both my grandfathers. Some belonged to my mother and father, some belong to my family! 1 This is a true family treasure and it is fortunate that the images have been preserved for so long. 1 We were very lucky. I lost some early digital pictures of my daughter, and some of my mother’s family pictures were lost forever.
An interesting look at the pictures, they are still beautiful even though they are turned upside down 1
The scanning process can be frustrating, the twins and my daughter did scan more than 30,000 pictures. 1
The pictures are a family treasure. Some belonged to both my grandfathers. Some belonged to my mother and father, some belong to my family! 1
This is a true family treasure and it is fortunate that the images have been preserved for so long. 1
We were very lucky. I lost some early digital pictures of my daughter, and some of my mother’s family pictures were lost forever.
An interesting look at the pictures, they are still beautiful even though they are turned upside down
The scanning process can be frustrating, the twins and my daughter did scan more than 30,000 pictures.
Wooow, this is a huge picture. Are all yours?
The pictures are a family treasure. Some belonged to both my grandfathers. Some belonged to my mother and father, some belong to my family!
This is a true family treasure and it is fortunate that the images have been preserved for so long.
We were very lucky. I lost some early digital pictures of my daughter, and some of my mother’s family pictures were lost forever.