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Wander project through my father's eyes 5


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The photos of old have that kind of antique charm which can be appreciated on its own. Septa and B&W have that kind of allure.

    I have to say that even if my finance is not at its best, I try hard to be present in family vacays when the kids are there. Because no amount of money will ever replace those moments spent with them. This is the thought in my mind when I read you saying it is hard to keep the memories which do not directly involve you.

    • sadly the photos are old and antiques. most likely circa 1958. Or 60 years old! Memories are fleeting, when we aren’t there we have to anchors. I sat with my father, i wish more times now, to hear the stories. but the anchor for those stories is the picture.