
Wander project pictures of Cardinals

I am taking a break from Christmas pictures to share more of the bird study I did one Christmas day at my parent’s house. First, my dad had his backyard declared a bird sanctuary by the State of Indiana. Dad was a biologist by his first two college degrees (Batchelor’s from Wiscson, Masters from Michigan both in Biology) before he became a science educator. He grew many things over the years. But there was no spraying in the back yard. That was for the birds, literally. This particular day it was cold and windy, and the bird feeders were full. So the Cardinal came to visit. Female Cardinals are a lot harder to see than the males, on purpose by design, etc., but I got a few pictures.

So, no snarky comments, just 12 bird pictures. Well, I do have one Snarky comment. I do not like the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. All other Cardinals, even the Arizona Cardinals, are ok in my book. The St. Lous Cardinals are not ok. The fun thing that particular day, other than capturing the occasional picture, was sitting at the table and talking to my dad. He and I often spent the holidays talking. Dad, once his hearing aides were in, really struggled with the noise level in the house during the Holidays. So he and I would leave the office area, and sit in the dining room and talk. The only reason I took the pictures on that particular day, was dad pointing out the Cardinals.

He also, my father, didn’t like the St. Lous Cardinals in case anyone was wondering. Dad didn’t often root for professional teams. He loved college sports. So we were talking, and dad pointed at the Cardinals. I had the camera so I took the pictures. There are many more than the 12 I’ve shared today. Some of the pictures not shared were not particularly good. All the Cardinal pictures and other birds come from 2004. December 25th, 2004 to be exact.  I remember the birds. I don’t remember the conversation. I do now wish I had taken the time to lock the conversation into memory. Dad and I, mom, and I and my grandparents were always people I could talk to, count on, and I wish I remembered more of what they said to me.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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