
Wander project pictures from the way back machine!

What is the oldest picture of you, you have now? One of the things that my sister and I used to do, after racing for the captain’s hat and fishing, at my grandparent’s house on Lake Ripley, was thumb through the old photos. Those sadly are now lost. But there are many pictures of me as a baby, my sister as a baby and those are the ones we scanned as part of the Family History project. Along with the old movies my grandfather and mother took.

Not everyone that was around me as a child is shown, I am only sharing a few pictures at a time to reduce the clutter for readers. There are two of my all-time favorite pictures in this batch. The one of my dad and I chillin and the one of my mom and me in a Canoe with the umbrella, chillin! How far back do your pictures go? We have more than 300 hours of video, seems like a lot, but when you factor years against it isn’t even a month worth of video.

The moments fade away. So sadly, do the pictures. They fade and eventually you can’t see the image anymore. Don’t let your family history fade to black. Find the oldest pictures you have and save them. Someday people will thank you for having the old pictures. It is a gift you can share with family members. Oh yeah, and don’t edit the pictures you share. Share what was taken at the moment. Certainly, if you wish to clean up the picture and show perfection do so, but when you share pictures to share them all. It doesn’t matter if it is blurry or not perfect, share them. The memories you have are the most precious thing!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!