
Wander project mowing a nearly vertical hill…

From the winter of 1998 to the early part of 1999, we were still living in Mount Airy, Ohio. Mount Airy was a house we built. We had a beautiful play yard, a pool, and as you can see in one of the pictures, the rest of our yard went straight uphill. There were things we did in the house to make it easier for us. My wife prefers to have the laundry room on the same level as the house as the bedrooms. Her thinking and I agree with her is that it is much more comfortable. Moving from Western Hills to Mount Airy was an exciting experience. We hired a moving company, but as is usually the case, you have to move breakable items yourself, so we drove the back way from the old house to the new house many times.

Across the street from our new house was the old state hospital. Not the state hospital in the sense that sick people in Ohio went there. Instead, the state hospital from the US 1950s. A place where those with issues mentally were sent to live. The area felt haunted to me. Gwen and I often walked around the block that included the state hospital. I always felt something walking by. I don’t know what. We were one of the first ten houses in the new subdivision, and new homes were going up as we moved in, and then as we lived there. We walked into the new house in August 1998. We had to leave our home in Western Hills. The two twin cribs were ni the master bedroom, and if you weren’t careful, you caught your toes or shins on all the things in the room.

Continuing the trend that hasn’t changed yet, my office in Western Hills was in the basement; there was a coal chute now window in the basement, but it wasn’t near where my office was. I was moved to a small window basement in Mount Airy. My father had given me is Principal desk when we lived in Western Hills. I still have that desk to this day. I use it as my primary writing and working desk to this day. Back then, I had an AM/FM radio in my office. That was my connection to the outside world other than email and work-related stuff. I miss those days and that house from time to time. It was fun to watch a house being built, seeing the walls go up, and then moving in!

Mowing that hill was hard at best!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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