
Wander project Greenwood and memories of what once was…

For the first 16 years of the twins lives, they shared a birthday with their grandfather. Literally. All three were born on the same day. The end of March in Indiana, for the most part, was spring break time as well. It meant scheduling parties for the twins was sometimes an ordeal. In part because the twins had few friends (by their choice, they are a small group of close friends people). That meant there were always one or two friends that had to be there.

Add spring break, vacations and things like that, and we often celebrated early or late. We always, as my parents and my wife’s parents had as well, always made an effort to make the day of their actual birth special. It holds so many memories for my wife and me that day in March. It falls after St. Patricks day, long enough after that day there isn’t leftover corned beef and the cabbage also long gone. Spring upon us, and past as well.

It is honestly harder for me now as far as memories than it was. Today is PI (when the blog was first published) 3.14. I find myself remembering the third person on that birthday a lot as we head towards that day. I see a lot of who he was in the twins. I see a lot of my wife, and my mom in the twins also. This, for the twins, is a big birthday the first time in 6 years that they will no longer be teenagers. They will move out of the teens this year. I still remember the day they were born as if it were yesterday. Now they are young adults in college. I have to stop for a moment and recall the time that passed.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!