in Travel Wander project Fran and Gwen… by DocAndersen January 4, 2019, 11:51 am 371 Views 6 Votes 6 Comments Share Tweet Pin Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport Pages:Previous 12Next post What do you think? 6 Points Upvote Downvote Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page Share Tweet Pin365_Photos_ChallengeAndersenslawofinnovationAnnapolisanti-outletmallatarianBarbBarb25BarbvideoproducerBergenblizzard2016boringman Written by DocAndersen One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumblr youtube 6 Comments so beautiful captions. hahaha. i hope they will be able to agree on something after this talk. 1 I think I have to hire Ghostwriter as my photo caption writer! 1 yes why not he’s a good writer also. 1 yes, she is, and a really funny caption writer! 1 They like to keep their territory 1 Yes they do, Gwen in particular was very loud about that!
so beautiful captions. hahaha. i hope they will be able to agree on something after this talk.
I think I have to hire Ghostwriter as my photo caption writer!
yes why not he’s a good writer also.
yes, she is, and a really funny caption writer!
They like to keep their territory
Yes they do, Gwen in particular was very loud about that!