
Swimming with the Dolphins (our last day in Mexico)!

The last big activity we did during our week in Puerto was to enjoy Swimming with the Dolphins. Actually, in this case, the boys didn’t want to so we ended up watching the swimming from shore, my wife and daughter headed bravely out to hang out with the amazing Dolphins. To get to the location, you had to hop on a boat (that was fun!) and ride out to the park with the pools. We had booked this expedition on the very first day we arrived at the hotel. We arrived with the very first group of people, so of course, we had to wait outside for a bit. Well, to be honest, it was a bit more than a bit waiting outside.

From the front entrance, there were roughly 20 feet of souvenir shopping, and then you were in the pool area. The boys and I climbed the stairs, while my wife and daughter handed us their stuff and donned life jackets. We wandered up to the seating area so that we could get a nice view. That was when my boss called, he had forgotten I was on vacation and had a small crisis. I was able to take care of it pretty quickly. It was, however, back in the day, a very expensive phone call (I think it ended up being 22 dollars for roughly 4 to 5 minutes).

The entire experience lasted quite a bit of time; the girls were in the water for at least a ½ hour. They had a blast. The boys were having fun watching and vegging. It was a great end to our trip. The trip is one we will never forget. The more than 200 digital pictures I took for that trip seemed like a huge amount. Now between my wife, daughter and myself we routinely take 5000 or more pictures for a week of vacation!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. I got to have this wonderful experience in Jamaica. We were in the water for about 45 minutes, while we were introduced to our dolphins. We got to learn some training signals, and I chose not to jump out of the water but went super fast holding onto the fins, the dolphin didn’t want to come back when the trainer called. I was fine with that though. It is a great experience. Glad to see you got pictures. It is wonderful in Mexico, so much to see and do.

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