
Does Pattaya Invite Its Punters To Go Mad?

For those of you wanting to visit Pattaya, how about reading a little bullet-list on the topic of madness and Pattaya?


  • I claimed I was no expert on madness.
  • I hoped everybody believed that madness exists but I cited R. D. Laing, a psychiatrist who questioned our understanding of madness and the basis of society’s belief in the mad.
  • I mentioned major forms of madness like paranoia and schizophrenia. I mentioned other forms like personality disorders.
  • I pointed out that anyone who cannot listen and hold a conversation is crazy.
  • I cited Erasmus and Burton, two critics of vanity in people, and mentioned that Pattaya is full of people in love with themselves (vain, boastful people).
  • I mentioned one major character in the novel “Dear Pattaya!!!”, Terry The King, a man who claimed he was never wrong.
  • I mentioned that Pattaya has such people, and many other odd sorts.
  • I pointed out that letters have made up novels and so emails can, too.
  • The internet has virtually nothing on Pattaya and madness.
  • The internet has lots on Shakespeare and madness!
  • Shakespeare is obsessed with madness. Other major writers write about it, too. I cited Dickens.
  • I asked the audience to consider children’s folly and our need to protect them from foolish actions. By association I indicated that Pattaya protects no one from his or her own folly and Thai law, by allowing huge alcohol sales, joins the “party”.

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

  • I quoted Erasmus (“In Praise Of Folly”) and Robert Burton (“The Anatomy Of Melancholy”).
  • I said that sugar, alcohol and tobacco are major problems, major killers.
  • Franz, the main character, is foolish, paranoid and claims to drink too much.
  • Examples of Pattaya punters’ emails : one millionaire’s, then Franz’s (read by Ren Lexander with an Austrian accent).

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

  • I indicated that one of the ways of avoiding madness in Pattaya was the practice of moderation and the choice of a life-style with one woman or partner.
  • Another way to avoid madness is to believe that the cardinal virtues are correct. Those virtues are humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, and diligence. I asked the audience to consider the seven deadly sins (deadly vices).
  • I quoted from the Bible (Ecclesiastes).
  • I concluded by saying that Franz, my friend, and the commissioner of the novel “Dear Pattaya!!!”, avoided madness by not returning to Pattaya and also by going to the extreme of no communication whatsoever, after a certain moment. I indicated I may have irritated him into the bargain, but I said he thereby proved himself another odd, unreliable, irresponsible, Pattaya ex-punter!!!
  • I expressed displeasure in Franz’s extremes. Franz stood Pattaya up so I, despite all my reservations about Fun City, would stand up for Pattaya!
  • Dear Pattaya!!!

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Feedback would be very welcome especially from those who have experienced the extremes of Pattaya and survived. Those who didn’t survive can text me from their resting-places!!!


What do you think?

Written by Jonathan Finch

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