
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 128

One of the things that the State of Maryland requires is Greenways or Green spaces between neighborhoods. Out of respect for the native creatures that lived in Maryland before humans. Yesterday afternoon I was absent-mindedly wandering the house. I wasn’t paying attention as I walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I was headed straight for the coffee pot when a little motion or something out of whack caught my eye.

There standing on my deck was the massive bird in the picture. Not a bird of prey but a scavenger. A bird that cleans up the mess left by dead and dying animals.

I would like to say that it (the bird) wasn’t ugly. But it was not pretty.

Without further adieu, I shall share the image of our newest neighbor!

Anyone can join the photo challenge. Post a picture (tick your counter up by one each time you post) and share 365 pictures! Pictures have to be less than seven days old. A recent post by another person in the challenge might help “it may take three years, but I am going to post 365 pictures!”


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • I have to say I was shocked to see the bird standing on my back deck. I was a bit taken aback for a bit, then grabbed my phone and got a few pictures before they took off!!
