
Tech Wiz – looking back over the last 27 years!

One of the things that drive me nuts as a person is the arrogance of people that can’t listen or worse don’t listen because nothing applies to them. I have learned that behavior bothers me so when I see it, I tend to move away from that person quickly. When I was younger I would chase this problem; I am trying to let it go now. As I have done many times in the past, the anti-pattern is the “king of the world” anti-pattern. The reverse of this pattern is the softer pattern “The Giver.” A giver is a person that will help everyone succeed in a solution or meeting. The King of the world focuses on themselves in most situations. They, the king of the world, can be charming when they wish to gain your vote.

One of the things I was thinking about yesterday, and I know it is a weird mental conversation to have, but coming up my wife and I will have been together for 27 years as a married couple. I was thinking about what technologies do I use, that I was using 27 years ago when my wife and I got married. I figured we were talking about a long list of things and I was going to have to devote two, three or even four spots to the actual list. You know all the things that I was using in 1991 as far as technology. We still have the good knives that I brought to the relationship. We do not have any of the furniture either of us brought to the relationship although my furniture other than my computer desk, didn’t move from Bloomington to Cincinnati.

There are three things from a technology perspective that I still use. In 1991 I only used my Macintosh SE/30 computer. Mac and it was the only one in the house. We also had a nice TV. The rest of the technologies I was using then, every day, have slipped away. They are, no more. and include the VCR that we had and many other things. In fact, in the last 27 years, the only remaining technologies are the Mac and the TV. We still have radios, but for most part, the radios we have are in the cars. I do listen to music at home all the time, but now it is streamed music not really radio focused music. I actually don’t listen to the radio on my radio in the car much either, I actually listen to SiriusXM. I’ve been thinking since yesterday about the next 27 years. I would how my wife feels about flying cars?


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 27 years ago was my transition from interior designer profession to trainer/facilitator of communication training, when I was still so active in collecting cassettes and trying to use the most sophisticated tape recorder at that time, also with Blaupunkt in my Volvo, which at that time had the image as ministers car.
