Python is the current world's most popular and widely used programming language, not just amongst software engineers but also amongst mathematicians, data analyst, network engineers and even among those who are just starting to learn to program.
— Sharon S. Lopez (@sharonlopez2016) August 24, 2019
It’s been a while since I planned to learn a programming language. Thankfully, I was able to start with my very first programming language. Because I need to write mostly about Artificial Intelligence, I deemed it necessary to learn how to code and to understand every detail of it.
I know it would take sometime before I could be able to use this skill on an actual project. But I am happy that I could learn new knowledge and actually earning from it along with the process.
Thank you, everyone, for dropping by. Have a great weekend.
Sharon Lopez
I have never heard about Phyton as a language but I’d like to learn it.
I am not sure if Python is popular in my country, but I haven’t think of learning this language, and it was not taught when I was in school. It’s good that you have the determination to learn, though I don’t know why it’s required to learn AI. I’ll find time to read more about it later, perhaps from your posts later. 🙂
By the way, how are you learning this language? It can be very interesting and easy to pick up if the learning source is good. 🙂
Thank you kaka135 for sharing your thought. It is not a requirement but I wanted to learn more about programming because I am writing about it. It is better to write something from experience rather than purely depending on theories.
It is not easy and my time is limited so I need to exert more effort.
You are really diligent! That’s a really good mindset you have! Hope you will enjoy learning that new program.
I am a programmer or used to be. I wish I could help, but I haven’t learn Python before. Hope you’ll find some good courses or some friends to guide you through.
I just found this page that is full of free Udemy courses listed. There are Python courses as well. I checked a few of them, some are free, but some are not. Currently Udemy is running a promotion and many courses are on sale, between $11.39 – $14. You can check if there is any course that you might be interested in. It’d be good if you can find some good free courses there as well.
Sorry, I forgot to include the link:
You can search for “free udemy courses” as well. I saw quite a number of search results coming up.
I just found a list of free Python courses at Udemy, check it out:
Thank you kaka for your effort. My offline work is requiring a lot of time nowadays so I seldom go online. But as soon as I’m free, I will check those sites.
you’re probably going to need to write a lot of code before you’re ready for such a daunting task
You are right, Alex. It might take more years for me to learn this stuff. But I still want to continue learning. Thank you for dropping by.
by all means, continue learning. just wanted to warn you about the scope of what you’re proposing…
Congratulations on your hard work and all that you have learned, dear Sharon … I never liked school and I never wanted to learn …. my mother always had a problem with me … and that you would study now?
Hi lado! Thank you for dropping by. I learned a lot of things just by being active online. So, yes, I am currently devoting a portion of my time to learn Python.
Once again, congratulations on your goodwill, dear Sharon
That sounds very interesting but I’m a little “old”. It would take a lot of time. ?
Thank you for dropping by, vidocka. Despite my age, I still want to learn new things. I am planning to create a smart assistant for our agency and I think learning how to code would be of help.
It is always interesting to learn about Artificial Intelligence
Yes, Witty feeds. There are new and amazing things that we can discover along the way. Thank you for dropping by.