
How Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – part 34

When you join a writing site,  create a new email account under a new name.  You join the  site as New Name.

Type your article on your computer before attempting to upload.  Always have a copy, even if it is rough and shoddy.

Typing fresh prose on a writing site  is an opportunity  to lose it.

Sites  know if you are typing or pasting.  Once you are pasting, they know  you have a copy.

You  don’t know if the site will last until next week, you don’t know if it is a rip.  You join under a New Name just in case it tries to  steal your work.*

Some   sites let you publish until you near the pay out, then suddenly there  are ‘glitches’.

This  is to prevent you from gaining your  coin.

Consider; the payout is $10, you have $9.21.  The site is going to do everything in its power to stop you from publishing and reaching your goal.

Sites usually begin this trick a few days before their ‘cut off’, for  example, if they calculate on your earnings on the 10th of  a month, starting from the 7th day you will have issues publishing.

*I will discuss this point later.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar