Abstract cyberspace computer digital background with digital falling lines, binary hanging chain

Cyber Tips – Who Are You Talking To? – 1

You have absolutely no idea who is on the other side of that email or those messages, unless you’ve had coffee with them, or went to school with them, or were at their wedding and out of their own mouth they said; “My email address is….”   or “I am on Facebook as….”

Other than that, take every contact with a large grain of salt, because you don’t know who or what you are talking to.

Sure, there are the famous stories of people arguing about Windows with ‘Askbill’ (who happened to be Bill Gates)  and other such gaffes.

But they are minor when compared to the abundance of criminals, be they pederasts, rapists, murderers or just scammers, who pretend to be someone from your past.

And when it comes to a ‘dating site?’  You don’t want to be lunch.

Despite the images posted, even if you spoke on Skype, you have no idea who that person really is.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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