
Cool tech wander home Seismograph and the 3 day quote challenge!

We interrupt our normal technology post for the insertion of the quote (3-day challenge). I was nominated by Carol Taylor, who posts without a doubt the most amazing recipes ever shared with the world.

My all-time favorite quote is from a basketball coach. Bob Knight of Indiana University was once asked about winning and losing. He responded, “It is not whether you win or lose, it is how much you win by!”

There are some technologies that I enjoy and talk about frequently. One of those is the fantastic product from Raspberry Shake. Yes, a home seismograph. I grew up with a scientist father, but my father also always encouraged me to pursue interests. I love weather stations. I post the time-lapse videos produced by the Bloomsky system. The other technology that I’ve been talking about is also fun.

I understand that you have to be a bit of a science geek to want to have scientific instruments in your home. I do it more from the IoT perspective. Where the internet of things allows  The image with this post came from my shake. It is the last 24 hours at my house. I have my shake in the basement, so it is connected to the floor and the foundation of the house. The Raspberry shake team has been working very hard to release an incredible product.

The other cool thing, like Bloomsky and the Micro-weather revolution, now I can see what other Shakes are reporting all around the world. That means I can see the impact of earthquakes on my station as well as the global impact. Yes, science geek I am, but I truly love the technology!!!!!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think you are the nicest geek I know and thank you for taking up the challenge and the compliment. Marisslee reckons you should guest post for me and it should include a recipe..she didn’t say a recipe for what????? Tech and a recipe could be interesting…????
